Black Friday 2024 Promotion for Annual Subscriptions

Recently updated on February 6th, 2025

Black Friday 2024 deals 🎁

We would like to offer you a special Black Friday promotion!

Choose annual or switch from monthly to annual subscriptions for Sembly Professional or Sembly Team, and revel in a fantastic up to 35% discount off the regular monthly rate with the promo codes below!

Get up to 35% off with any annual Sembly Professional or Sembly Team plan

Use promocode: BFANNUAL24SEMBLY

*offer valid through November 30th; savings range based on the difference between the discounted annual plan price and the total cost of 12 months at the regular monthly subscription rate

Get up to 35% off with the annual Semblian 2.0 add-on and enter a lucky draw


*offer valid through November 30th; savings range based on the difference between the discounted annual plan price and the total cost of 12 months at the regular monthly subscription rate

Power-up your subscription with annual Semblian 2.0

Discover the most impactful post-meeting actions and generate deliverables explicitly tailored to you with the Semblian 2.0 – AI Augmented Worker Intelligence:

  • AI Artifacts (entire document generation)
  • AI Insights (personalized recommendations for next steps)
  • AI chat across multiple meetings 

How to use a promo code

Sign up for the Sembly Professional or Sembly Team plan or switch to the annual in the tab (Settings -> Plans -> Annual), and apply your promo code BFANNUAL24SEMBLY before November 30th during the checkout.

Add the promo code BFANNUAL24SEMBLIAN for your Semblian 2.0 subscription to get multiple discount offers and automatically enter a lucky draw to get a chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card! 💵

Thank you for being a part of the Sembly user community!

Looking to get Sembly and Semblian for your team? Contact us now for an exclusive offer and bigger savings — don’t miss out!

We’re committed to making Sembly the best it can be. Save up to 35% with this limited-time offers! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to help you.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

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Introducing Semblian 2.0

Discover the most impactful post-meeting actions and generate deliverables tailored specifically to you with AI Augmented Worker Intelligence tool.

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