Growing Enterprise Usage of Voice AI

Recently updated on January 24th, 2023

As a partner of Microsoft’s, we at Semby AI (former Powow AI) were excited to see the ~$16B acquisition of Nuance. The deal underscores the importance of Voice AI in the enterprise. We believe that Voice and Conversational AI will be dominant in the Healthcare and across other verticals.

At Semby AI , we have been focused on Voice AI for a few years now with a deeper focus on Operations and Technology meetings across all verticals. The inefficiencies which prompt companies to adopt Conversational Voice AI in Healthcare are similar to those that are pushing enterprises to adopt meeting Voice AI Technology.

We founded Semby AI in early 2019 after years of working with Operations and Technology teams in Fortune 2000 companies. We understood the inefficiencies of meetings and the huge potential for improving them especially in those corporate teams charged with business transformation projects. Meetings are both critical and frequent which makes them a high impact target for enterprise leaders. In fact, a recent HBR study estimates that 71% of senior managers said meetings are unproductive and inefficient.

Companies spend millions of dollars on training and consultants to address this challenge. They focus on how to set agendas, run better meetings, take notes and capture action items- and yet these practices are nowhere near the quality that’s needed. This is not surprising, since discussions, considerations, and solution development often get in the way of capturing the key follow-on items.

At Semby AI, we believe the people should focus on ideas and solutions while allowing technology to support the capture and tracking of operational items during meetings. Semby AI takes over meeting management with human-in-the loop involvement. With AI generated notes in the Sembly meeting cloud, not everyone has to attend the meeting. An employee can always go back and listen to key points which takes minutes for an hour-long meeting. Employees can also get just the data that you need to prep for your next meeting or for sharing key meeting points through an online chat (Teams, Zoom, Slack) with a colleague!

I am excited with our early focus on Voice AI for the enterprise a few year ago and now am even more excited about the vision of our future offerings. Sign up for Sembly and stay tuned to experience how Voice AI from Sembly can positively impact your business meetings.

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